job search
listings of job offers
- Stellenliste Professuren der GDCh
- Stellenliste Doktoranden/postdocs der GDCh
- GDCh-CIC-Jobbörse
- Stellenliste Doktoranden/postdocs der DPG (via pro-physik)
- Zeit-Stellenmarkt fuer Akademiker (old link), with many links to other job lists and meta lists
- FAZ-Stellenmarkt
- WWW-Schnittstelle von Science-Jobs-De, Uni Heidelberg (old link)
- ACS job bank, giving job ads of the last two issues of C&EN, and the Online Professional Data Bank of the ACS (my usual userid and password for this)
- Theoretical Chemistry Subdivision of the ACS, including a list of postdoc positions sought and offered
- physics job announcements through the archives
- Jobs & Adverts, der führende deutsche Stellenmarkt im Internet
- Stellenangebote via Karriere Direkt
- Stellenmarkt des Deutschen Hochschulverbands via Zeitschrift “Forschung und Lehre”, siehe auch
- Academic Position Network (focus on faculty positions, but mostly U.S.)
- job ads in the Chronicle of Higher Education ( = “Academe This Week”) (new link)
- physics jobs, by the Institute of Physcis Publishing (as part of PhysicsWeb)
- Chemistry and Industry Job Database, job listings, links to other listings, and career advice
- Career Mosaic, big site containing lots of job listings as well as tons of advice
- CareerPath, very professional job search site, e.g. with a search across many newspapers, etc. (use the username “hartke” and my usual password…)
- Jobware international, and its German subdivision (including fairly detailed and extensive application hints)
- Royal Society of Chemistry career page, including links to industrial and academic vacancies
- listings of international science job offers from the Marie Curie Fellowship Association, including jobs offered in Science online and many more…
-, well-organized page listing academic jobs in the U.K.
- Jobbörse von
-, claiming to be the largest internet source of jobs in biology, chemistry, biotech, and other science jobs.
- AdjunctAdvocate, listing permanent and temporary jobs in higher education
- Akademiker online
- JOBconnect, die online-Jobboerse der Uni Hannover
- jobfair24, die virtuelle Recruitingmesse (naechster Messetag: 8.Juni)
-, deutscher Zweig von
- Stellen online
- evita jobworld, a meta job search machine
- NewScientist jobs
- EURES, European job listings
- (Meta-Suchmaschine)
other job-search related pages
- job pages of the Science magazine, including job alerts; and still more career advice and links in Science NextWave, and its German sister
- Career Mosaic, big site containing lots of job listings as well as tons of advice
- Chemistry and Industry Job Database, job listings, links to other listings, and career advice
- Karrierefü
-, ein Job-Vermittlungs-Service
- Best Bets from the Net for job search (meta-list of job-offer lists)
- Bewerbungen im Internet, von der ZEIT
- National Business Employment Weekly, with job-search tips and job ads (from The Wall Street Journal)
- Employment links for the biomedical scientist, including extensive link lists and general career advice
- Die virtuelle Absolventenbörse
- Berufungskommissions-Ratgeber der TU-Berlin
- Bewerbungstips vom Akademischen Dienst, Berlin
- Studieninformationen USA
- Studieren in den USA
- The SmartStudent Guide to Studying in the USA
- German American Chamber of Commerce of the Western United States
- expert and specialist openings in the 5th European Community Framework Programme
- Bewerbungsadressen für Chemiker (with some _huge_ lists!)
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, offering e.g. the Occupational Outlook Handbook, giving good and detailed description of employment prospects in literally all kinds of jobs
- DenkHalle-Verlag mit dem “geheimen Wissen der Personalberater”
- anabin, Informationssystem zur Anerkennung ausländischer Bildungsabschlüsse
-, das Wiki-Portal für Promotion, Habilitation und Juniorprofessur
Last updated on Mon Oct 01 08:45:54 MET DST 2007