commercial companies and their organizations
chemistry, physics, mathematics, graphics
- VCI: Verband der Chemischen Industrie
- BIOSYM/Molecular Simulations Inc. (MSI), now renamed to Accelrys
- CambridgeSoft (ChemDraw, Chem3D, ChemFinder, MOPAC)
- Chemical Computing Group (in disguise of their own electronic journal)
- COSMOlogic (where Frank Eckert is now working…)
-, with products like Marvin and JChem (Java/web display of chemical structures)
- NAG, the numerical algorithms group
- Wolfram Research Inc. (Mathematica)
- MathSoft (MathCad)
- The MathWorks, Inc. (MatLab; see also for some complementary products)
- Maple
- Creaso (IDL graphics, etc.)
-, with the ScienceWise Alert e-mail notification service for grants and funding opportunities
- DockCrunch, a 1 million compound molecular docking benchmark on the Prometheus docking software by Protherics
- Aventis, und der deutsche Zweig
- Celanese
-, the worldwide search engine of the chemical industry
- Scios, Inc., company where my sister works…
soft computing
- Frontline Systems, selling Janos Pintér’s LGO
- NuTech Solutions, employing various soft computing hotshots
computers: hardware, and basic software (operating systems, compilers)
- Hewlett Packard (HP Deutschland); particularly useful: Hewlett Packard SupportLine Web Server, including e.g. patch browsing and downloading; see also the HP Resource Center, and HP printing under linux (and the related sourceforge project for “office jet” (all-in-one, printer/scanner/copier) linux drivers and functionality)
- Sun Deutschland
- Silicon Graphics, SGI
- IBM Deutschland
- Compaq Deutschland (früher auch DEC)
- Fujitsu-Siemens, their high performance computing section, and their linux clusters
- Hypercube Inc. (HyperChem, etc.)
- Portland Group (Fortran Compilers for Intel/linux)
- SMB GmbH, currently (2006) the official German reseller of PGI compiler products
- Pacific-Sierra Research, including a free linux Fortran90 compiler, etc.
- c’t, Magazin für Computertechnik
- UniCorner
- Upgrade Store (official link)
- K&M-Electronik (online-shopping und aktuelle Preislisten)
- Arlt (mit online-Preislisten)
- hardware-Markt, und deren Sektor für öffentliche Einrichtungen
- SuSE
-, online listing of current U.S. pricings of computer/electronic hardware components
- SCALI, scalable linux systems, selling linux pc clusters (Oslo)
- Microway, another company selling linux pc clusters
- Carrera, another company selling linux pc clusters
- LinuxNetworX, another company selling linux pc clusters, now with an office in Kaiserslautern
- Delta Computers, actually selling linux pc clusters in Germany…
- APC: bietet USVs (unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung)
- Myricom (Myrinet etc.)
- Quant-X, hardware (inkl.Peripherie) mit Schwerpunkt auf Komplettloesungen (auch PC-Cluster)
- MetaComp, hardware (Einzelteile) und software
- eMedia, Computer-Hard- und Software, Bücher und Paraphernalia
-, Computer-Cluster-Anbieter in Chemnitz
- Linux-Spezialist, hardware (inkl.Cluster) und software für alle möglichen Linux-Systeme
- Logo EDV-Systeme, Kiel
- Kiel-Computer (im Plaza)
- Prisma Computertechnik, Schönkirchen
- TSP-IT-Systeme, Kiel
- AMD Developer Center (ACML download, etc.)
Last updated on Thu May 19 08:45:54 MET DST 2011