lists of links to (theoretical) chemistry information
theoretical chemistry meta lists
(see also: library meta lists)
- Chemistry Information on the Internet
- Chemistry Servers and Resources by Herbert Homeier
- Other Theoretical Chemistry Servers list compiled by Oscar N. Ventura
- molecular modelling research group at the University of Sassari, Italy; contains a good list of pointers to computational chemistry web resources
- Yet An other Resource List (YARL) compiled by Leif Laaksonen
- list of e-mail addresses of theoretical chemists, originally by NSF, now maintained by Joel Bowman at Emory
chemistry meta lists
(see also: library meta lists)
- WWW virtual library: Chemistry
- Chemistry Information on the Internet
- Chemistry Servers and Resources by Herbert Homeier
- “ChemDex” index of Chemistry WWW sites
- Chemistry Software and Information Resources
- Yet An other Resource List (YARL) compiled by Leif Laaksonen
- The EBI: CUSI search services, a comprehensive collection of web search tools, by theEuropean Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, an outstation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg
- internet chemistry resources, compiled at the Department of Chemistry, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- list of chemical mailing lists
- ChemCenter, by the ACS
- Die Homepage für Chemiker, large collection of chemistry-related links
- Paul Heelis’ list of pointers for chemists
- The Information Retrieval in Chemistry WWW Server, by the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Athens
other lists of links
- Deutsches Forschungsnetz, with links to Wissenschaftsnetz WiN, European networks, and further information
- map of WWW servers in Germany (click here for a less detailed map)
- NA-Net: Numerical Analysts’ e-mail directory, white pages, and digest
- Math-Net Links list of mathematical resources on the net, by the Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik, Berlin (new address)
- EMIS, the European Mathematical Information Service, offered by the European Mathematical Society; includes: free access to the Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik/Mathematics Abstracts database until April 10, 1996.
- geographical/alphabetical list of WWW servers
- The Scientific Web, with pointers to software and other things
- Latinamerican Chemistry Net (alternate address, english version)
- Bundesweiter Studentischer Adressreader, mit Internetadressen zu Hochschulen u.a.
- China Education and Research Network, with a list of all colleges and universities in China.
- braintrack university index, with over 5500 links to higher educational institutions in 161 countries
Last updated on Tue Mar 27 08:45:54 MET DST 2001