web tools
chemistry-related web tools
- Chemie.DE, Chemie-Info von der FU Berlin (software, Stellenmarkt, links, etc.) (DFN- und BMBF-gefoerdert)
- ChemPuter
- WebElements
- chem.de (ehemaliger Forschungs- und Technologieführer der GDCh)
search engines
- google, and its german branch
- Google Scholar
- Yahoo! WWW index
- Alta vista web search
- search engines and e-mail indices listed by uni-online
- 2ask search engine
- WEBster, the Cyberspace Surfer
- GERHARD, auf wissenschaftliche Seiten spezialisierte, deutsche Suchmaschine
- The Informant , your personal search agent on the internet; now merged into TracerLock
- The EBI: CUSI search services, a comprehensive collection of web search tools, by theEuropean Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, an outstation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg
- metacrawler.de, eine Meta-Suchmaschine für alles Mögliche
- Forschungs-Suchmaschine des BMBF
- Bildungsserver, Informationsportal von Bund und Ländern zum deutschen föderalen Bildungssystem
- Scirus, science-focused search engine
- Wikipedia.de
other web tools
- NCSA: National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, including NCSA Mosaic
- Mailbase, the electronic mailing list service of the UK
- Conversion of LaTeX to HTML
- Python (alternate address in Europe), an object-oriented scripting language, with its own WWW browser Grail
- geographical/alphabetical list of WWW servers
- deutsches Internet-Organisationssystem DINO
- SelfHTML, big comprehensive guide to writing your own HTML files, now at this new address
- Unicode charts, for finding numerical codes for all(!) possible characters and symbols in HTML/XML
- LEO dictionary
- linguee dictionary
- synonym search
- synonym dictionary
- The Phrase Finder
- Phrase Thesaurus
- Roget’s Thesaurus
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Last updated on Fri Mar 19 08:45:54 MET DST 2010