Mathematics for Chemists 1

MNF-chem0102/MNF-chem0310 (WS 2023/24)


  • basic vector calculus, geometric applications
  • differentiation of functions of a single variable
  • integration of functions of a single variable
  • differentiation of functions of several variables
  • brief glimpse at one type of integrals of functions of several variables

Achtung: Diese Webseite hier ist die zentrale Anlaufstelle für MfC1 im WS23/24. Eine “Einschreibung” (für die Übungsgruppeneinteilung) erfolgt in Präsenz bei der 1.Vorlesungsstunde am Di 24.10.2023, 9:15-10:00 Uhr, im OHP5-HS2.

OLAT: Als zusätzlichen Kommunikationskanal empfehlen wir eine Buchung des zugehörigen OpenOLAT-Kurses unter

Course material
current organizational news
general organizational details
Detailed course schedule (continuously updated)

exam rules and hints

MfC1 script (second version, essentially complete; worked examples are given in the lectures and exercises)

evaluation (link and QR-code, deadline 4.2.2024)

Exercise groups (@OLAT)

MfC1 exam contents; green: likely, yellow: possibly, red/orange: not in exam.

exercise sheet 1, solutions 1
exercise sheet 2, solutions 2
exercise sheet 3, solutions 3
exercise sheet 4, solutions 4

WolframAlpha instruction

The following two links contain basic exercises that feature content that is often done wrong. They are far from exhaustive but can give you a starting point.
basic calculations exercise
basic differentiation/integration exercise
If you have any problems with with these basic exercises, please work through the material listed above for the pre-course in mathematics (script and exercises).

Online lecture material:
If one of the video links does not work (completely, or no pictures or no sound), try the other ones (we have 3 different video links each, one is the preview and there are two other video links on top of that). In most cases, one of them works. For each subchapter, we also have just the pdf file (w/o oral explanations).

CAU-Videoportal-channel MfC1