Mathematics for Chemists 2

MNF-chem0202 (SoSe 2024)


  • integration of functions of several variables
  • Fourier series and transforms
  • linear algebra
  • differential equations

As additional communication channel, please also subscribe to the MfC2 OLAT course

Course material
current organizational news
general organizational details (version 16-April-2024)
exercise groups (OLAT)

Detailed course schedule (continuously updated)

MfC2 script (second version, almost complete)

MfC2 exam contents (green: likely in the exam; red: surely not in the exam)

evaluation (link and QR-code, deadline 4.7.2024)

exercise sheet 1, solutions 1
exercise sheet 2, solutions 2
exercise sheet 3, solutions 3
exercise sheet 4, solutions 4

differential equations flowchart
(old flowchart version: same contents, crappy design)

The two following links contain basic exercises that feature content that is often done wrong.
They are far from exhaustive but can give you a starting point.
basic calculations exercise
basic differentiation/integration exercise

online lecture material:

CAU-Videoportal-channel MfC2